Let's start with the packaging. The thin matte cardstock used makes the package feel more like an early version printed inhouse for design review rather than a finished product. I definitly can not see this figure surviving a toy store aisle. Though, being an exclusive figure I probably shouldn't complain. This package was never meant for realworld retail, and it sure beats a plastic baggy or white cardboard box usually used for online exclusives. The back promises more figures in the series: Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow and the Werehog. Despite loving the Metal Sonic figure, I wasn't too impressed with the look of these. Rather than following the classic designs, they look to be more in line with the Sonic X models. Who knows, maybe they'll turn out to look great.
I had planned to not opening the figure, as the box was covered in tape. But the shineyness of Metal was too much, so i risked tearing the box to shreads. Surprisingly, the tape comes off easily, leaving no tears or residues. After creating a wad of tape, I removed the figure. Oooh lordy is this thing smooth! And lightweight too, allowing for easy posing with no risk of the figure falling over.

The detail and simplicity of the figure's design are in perfect balance. The spikes and rear jet engine (which are clearly additions to the basic JUVI figure) are simple in design yet really contribute to the Metal Sonic "look". The metallic colors give an excellent robotic shine and give an inflated balloon look. In fact, the Sonic Stadium confused this for a blow up doll back when it was released. What dirty minds those Sonic fans have.

Articulation is what you'd expect from a vinyl toy: pivoting waist, arms move at the shoulders and head spins about. While not a lot of movement is possible, you can make some pretty cool poses (such as the villainous "You'll have to catch me first!" pose seen above). Overall it really is a great figure, with minimal problems. While the nose looks a little goofy turned upwards, it works when viewed from certain angles and doesn't detract from the figure at all. Final score:

Werehog: He opened me to try out my fourteen points of articulation! He left you in the box because you have four. HA! Four!
Metal: All that movement and you cant even open your hands? You're like a lobster with bands on its claws.
Werehog: One more crack out of you and I will tear off my arm and beat you with it!!!
Metal: Don't you mean "I will tear off your arm and beat you with it"?
Werehog: THATS IT! ROAR!!! QTE COMBO A, A, B, X, Y!!!
Metal: Still gonna beat me with it?