While out shopping today, I stopped into the local game store to see what dented up, sticker covered used games I could find. While I usually stick to the PS2 and
Xbox sections, I was drawn to the Game Boy Advance shelf. I've always considered buying a Game Boy Advance, especially when Sega went third party and released a slew of Sonic games for the system. But due to college and my already rather large Sega console collection, the Game Boy Advance took a back seat.
Well lucky me! Today
Segata was looking kindly upon me, for behind the glass of the Game Boy Advance case was a copy of
Jet Grind Radio for the low low price of $2.99. Just above
JGR was
Chu Chu Rocket for $3.99 and just above that was a sign advertising used
GBA SP systems for $20. Well, I'd have to be a cold hearted Sega fan to not rescue the
GG's and the
Chu Chu's! So $30 later I left with a Nintendo system in hand and two
Dreamcast classics in portable form.
Now that I have a
GBA, this opens up a whole new world of portable Sega goodness! I already have
Sonic Advance, Sonic Advance 2, Sonic Advance 3, Sonic Pinball Party, Pinball of the Dead, Sonic Battle and
Space Channel 5: Ulala's Cosmic Attack on my "to get" list. Of course, I guess I have to get at least one Mario game. I hear he's alright.

GBA recommendations? Let me know in the comments!